Saturday, October 4, 2008

The smell of bacon....

is torcher on a Daniel fast! Oh my goodness! I am starving, but fruit just doesn't sound good! I need to find something to make that John and I can eat that is different from what we have been eating. We are almost half way through! I haven't cheated one time! It was only by God's strength that a piece of bacon didn't go in my mouth this morning! We fix big breakfasts on Saturday mornings, so I fixed, bacon, eggs and waffles for the kids. I will go choke down my oatmeal! :)

Really, though, it is good. It is good to rely on God for something silly like not putting a piece of bacon in my mouth! Then when something big, ummmm like parenting 7 children for a limited time, comes, I know I can trust Him there too!

Yes, you read that right, John and I will have 7 children for a little while...just a few weeks. We have a situation (can't share details for confidentiality reasons) where we need to take in three kids until legal documents can be finished for them to go to their home in Colorado! God has a great sense of humor, huh?! I don't even have a car that will hold just me and all the kids! Our van and Suburban only hold 7 (7+1=8) ha!ha!

But let me just say how proud I am of my hubby! Everyone knows when a child is in need, I will jump on it before I even think! That is just how I am wired! But John was the first one to say, "they can come here"! Thank you, John!

I am sure the next few weeks are not going to be easy, three new kids that will be going through a huge emotional crisis, my four that are always in emotional crisis (at least in their minds!), running the ministry which is about to explode (all good things right now!) and do life as usual! I just try not to think about it! God knew this was what tomorrow held for me, so as long as I am on my face, trusting Him, it will all work out! Crazy thing is that we already had beds for all three...not in the right rooms, but we have beds! We will have four boys and three girls, for the first time in this house, the boys will out number the girls! Oh my!

So say a prayer for us if you think of it! I may not be blogging much for the next few weeks...if I am absent you will know why! We will pick the kids up on Monday night!


Anonymous said...

Holly Ann,
Will definitely be praying for your family and these children-that is awesome that both you and John were in agreement to open your hearts and home-God is so good!

Emily said...

If you need any advice, I am getting good at handling 7, heck bring on 8 :)

Jeremy and Kamina Johnson said...

I am soooo proud of you! I am just in awe of all that the Lord is doing while we are on this Daniel Fast. Yesterday was the first time Jeremy said, "I think we are going to live in Africa for a while, at some point on our lives." I told you that I wait for the Lord to speak to him for huge decisions for our family. Well, October 4, 2008 was the first time Jeremy said anything like us living in Africa. We know our hearts are already there. Since we are fasting from TV we have watched a few movies on Africa. OH MY GOODNESS! We just watched one about Rwanda. I am heart broken and totally at a loss. We are so fired up right now between the injustices we keep learning more about and the HIV/AIDS situation that keeps looking us in the face. We need a health clinic in Monrovia. We need testing. We need prevent. We need treatment. We need a trade school. We need an adult literacy program. The Lord will provide all we need!

OK now that I have blabbed on and on I'm going back to my blog to post some more of this.