Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I survived!

I survived my first day as mother of seven! My house wouldn't say the same, but we are all alive, all bellies are full and all people under 4 ft tall are tucked snug in bed! I have much to learn about maneuvering 7 around! We will have to have a little more structure than normal around here just to survive, but it will be great! I LOVE getting to love on these kids right now. We spent most of our day outside today...that is what Liberians are used to! :)

When we were picking Toben and Ava up from school, I looked back and the two of the children staying with us had Ava and Toben's hand. I was so proud of my kids! They have just taken in these children like they have always lived here! Even little Ava that has no clue why these three children are with us! They look nothing like her, but she doesn't care! That is probably what I love most about what God allows me to do with my life right now. My kids are exposed to children who are hurting! They know children out there have less than them and they gladly offer their parents and their hearts to such as these! I am a proud mommy tonight!


whenpigsfly said...

BIG HUGS to your kiddos for taking in the new kiddos with such love and grace!! I will be rpaying fro your with your three new addtions for sure!! We had sibs come home too, but only two at ine time and only once; the third sib in the set came a year later.Everyone else was one at a time too! My stock line when asked "HOW do you do it? " was that I got them one at a time. SO , hats off to you and John and prayers for life to be as smooth as it can be with three new, and yes, temporary children who came into your home carrying all that they have in their hearts and spirits. Prayers for them to be healing and sensing love, from your famliy and from the Heavenly Father as they have never known His love before!! Sounds like everyone is off to a GREAT START!!!!!

Emily said...

Glad is going to well, the best life lessons for kids (and adults) are rarely the easiest, but always worth it!!

Jeremy and Kamina Johnson said...

That is so great! See you soon!!!!

Bonky's Mom said...

Cheers for your kiddos fully embracing these new little ones! Praying hard for you!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful life lesson your children are learning-to reach out to others
Glad things are going well with your full house!:)

Anonymous said...

I don't stop in for a while and look what I miss!!!