Friday, January 18, 2008

It's Time!

I am still not packed! :) John just went to Ross to try and find a cheap suitcase. This will make number 5 and they are all maxed out at 50 pounds! No, it is not all our stuff! Lots of stuff for the kids at the home.

I am so tired! I am ready to get on the plane! We will leave the house at 4:30, plane takes off at 6:05! I am still pretty numb as far as the adoption stuff, but today I really started thinking about bringing him home and got emotional! Then my sweet friend Emily came by, I will post later about the cool connections, but she said, "In two days Toben will not be alone anymore", that brougth the tears! All his friends and brother are home with their family, but he is still there...not for long!!!

Next time I post I will be on my way to Liberia! Thank you for your prayers! Pray our luggage all makes it, pray for rest, pray for our children we are leaving here, pray for diving appointments along the way (I can look back and see where I missed ministry oportunities in my last trips, I don't want to do that this time!), and pray that I am where I need to be meeting with the people I need to while in Liberia...I wants God agenda not mine!

Off to pack that new suitcase and go to bed for a few hours!

See you in Liberia!!!!!!! Toben, Mommy is coming!!!! woohooo!!!!!!


jody said...

God Speed!
And much love!
And many prayers!!!

steffany said...

enjoy every minute.

Anonymous said...

WAHHHHHHHOOOOOO--goosebumps here in BonkLand...know that I'll be praying my brains out while you're there!

Crystal said...

Praying God sends you traveling mercies!! I'm not sure if you go through Chicago or not, but it is cold and snowy on our side of Lake Michigan today. I will pray for no snow and ice delays : ) Love you guys- Crystal

HollyAnn said...

Hey Crystal! We go through New York, but three families are leaving from Chicago, so keep those prayers going! Much love! HP

Brandi said...