Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Home is where my heart is......

This world is not my home.....that has really been driven home (no pun intended, I assure you!) the past two weeks. Even among those that I would consider my close friends, I am misunderstood when I stand up for what I believe is truth. I am a very black and white person and take a stand when I believe God is asking me to. I am finding that is a rare trait among most American Christians and will quickly get you ousted from the inner circle. That is easy to take form non-Christians as I know they don't understand the truth and God's word is clear that they will not understand what is spoken in the spirit. But it hurts so much worse when it comes from people who you would consider to be on the same team.

I e-mailed one of my spiritual mentors today and said I am just so lonely, but added that I guess the cross was pretty lonely too. The calling we have as Christians is not one of glory for us or comfort or even being happy. I am finding the road very rarely leading to my happiness, but yet there is a joy....a joy of knowing I am walking with Christ. I am finding that on days like today I cling to Him in a way that I never have before. Even my dearest friends at times will hurt me because they are human. This means that I too will hurt my dear friends because I am human, but there is One who will never leave me nor forsake me! He will always work for my good! Do you know Him? If not, let me tell you, He is worth the time to get to know! It is the one relationship that will always give back more than it takes! If you don't know my Jesus, I would love to introduce you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can so relate to this post.

It is a narrow path. There isn't a lot of room for other people on it. It is sad and lonely at times. I have to keep reminding myself that this life is temporary. I understand more and more when Jesus said "The world hated me and it will hate you also". It is a hard place to be at, yet I wouldn't go back for anything. I know God wants us to hold onto NOTHING. That includes people in our life. He needs to be our ALL. Our EVERYTHING. I have seen Him litterally strip me these past years. I believe it is preparation for a deeper understanding of Him and a deeper walk with Him.

HUGS Hollyann. I will say it again... we really are a lot a like. I am black and white too. No room for grey.