Saturday, December 1, 2007

Like Mother Like Daughter

Ava received some gift cards from my brother and his wife for her birthday. After we found them again :) I went to Toys R Us to see what we could find. I picked out a couple of cute outfits then went down the toy isles. I remembered that she has been stealing Callie's baby dolls, so decided to go buy her one of her own like Callie's. When we got to them, she went nuts pointing and doing her ah, ah, thing she does (since we still have no vocabulary!). I put three of them in front of her. A white one with blue eyes like her, a white one with green eyes and a black one with brown eyes. She immediately grabbed the black one and pushed the others away! I have always said that God put the love of dark children in my heart from an early age! Both of my girls love their black dolls more than any others! I think that is just the coolest! So here are some pics of Ava loving her baby! I can't wait to post pics of mommy loving her dark little boy to go along with my girls loving their dark babies! ;)

1 comment:

junglemama said...

Cute photos! I am passionate about adoption too!